Each pewter ornament (2 3/8" dia.) is dated and identified on the reverse and comes with a card giving a brief history of the landmark.
This beautiful little park in the centre of Yarmouth began as the first burial ground in the town with its earliest burial being in 1766. It continued to be used as a burial ground until 1865. The first church in the town, the Forchu Meeting House, built in 1784 was directly opposite. The park became Victoria Park in 1887 in honour of Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee with a fountain placed in the centre and walkways and benches surrounding it. Some of the headstones were moved at this time. In 1893 the land became the property of the Town of Yarmouth. Victoria Park was renamed Frost Park in 1958 in honour of Yarmouth County native, Sydney Frost, who at that time was President of the Bank of Nova Scotia. A new fountain designed in the Victorian manner now graces the centre of the park, a modern look-off faces the harbour, and a gazebo sits on the north side. Flowering shrubs line the walkways. Frost Park continues to be a well known and appreciated Yarmouth, N.S. Landmark and is a delight to visit and enjoy.