Pompey Dick

Each pewter ornament (2 3/8" dia.) is dated and identified on the reverse and comes with a card giving a history of the landmark.

On June 9, 1761, the shallop “Pompey Dick” sailed into the Chebogue River from Sandwich, Cape Cod with the first English settlers: Ebenezer Ellis, Sealed Landers and Moses Perry. Two days later Jonathan Crosby and Joshua Burgess arrived from Connecticut. Later in the summer Elishama Eldridge and seven other families arrived from various New England locations.
The Pompey Dick landed at Crawley’s Island. Perry remained there while Ellis moved further down the river to today’s Chebogue Point. Landers went up the harbour at Cape Forchu and set up a mill at the head of the harbour, the present day Milton. Other families that arrived settled at the mouth of Perry’s River to the end of the Wyman Road.
The first winter was harsh and the settlers survived with the help of the Mi’kmaq. The land they were settling on in Chebogue had belonged to a small Acadian settlement that had been settled in 1736. Very little is known of the settlement.
The first meeting of the Township of Yarmouth was held on June 15th, 1763. All who had settled were invited to make formal application for their land. The Council carefully established the township and assigned the land grants.


Price: 18.00