Sealed Landers Mill Stone

Each pewter ornament (2 3/8" dia.) is dated and identified on the reverse and comes with a card giving a brief history of the landmark.

This monument is situated at Milton in the north end of Yarmouth at the entrance to a string of three lakes. It is built of two millstones and the upright one bears a bronze plaque inscribed with the following: Sealed Landers first settler of the town of Yarmouth June 9, 1761 brought this stone from Sandwich Massachusetts and placed it in a grist mill which he erected on this site. This tablet was placed here by his descendants June 9, 1935

The mill property continued under Landers family ownership until 1861 when it became the Pioneer Mills producing cornmeal and flour under the new operators, Charles and John Beuler. By now a dam had been built nearby. In 1864 Samuel Killam bought the mill when other mills were making business slow and it was in disrepair. In 1919 the Town of Yarmouth bought the land to maintain their water power and in 1935 the property became a park. It is a Yarmouth, N.S. Landmark.

Price: 18.00